I used to stare at the high mountains surrounding Ladakh, India, every time I rode my motorcycle there, wondering how it would be to combine motorcycling and mountaineering. I decided to put it to the test this time. A solo motorcycle ride to the road-head which was a village in Ladakh, followed by my first mountaineering expedition to a virgin peak at a height of 6,081 metres.

Gearing up for the ride and the climb:
Because it was monsoon season, I had to take extra precautions when packing my bags for the ride because I didn't want any of my mountaineering equipment, particularly my down jacket and sleeping bag, to get wet. To keep everything dry in my bag, I wrapped it in sheets of plastic. My luggage consisted of a tent, a sleeping bag, a mattress, a down jacket, trekking pants, waterproof gloves, hats, trekking poles, butane gas cans and a burner, snow boots, crampons, a climbing harness and carabiners, sunglasses, a hat, and a head torch. Although I use the majority of these items for my rides, technical items such as the harness and carabiners were added to the overall gear on the motorcycle. My biggest mistake here was not carrying an extra pair of trekking boots because I was wearing my new waterproof boots for the ride, but the rain quickly got the boots wet and I regretted not carrying an extra pair to change into.

Read the full story here: https://www.earpeace.com/blogs/bits-and-peaces/motorcycling-mountaineering
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